Tag: gnu

  • What’s coming in December

    What’s coming in December

    We at Projekt Karl have not gone into hibernation, even if the odd fat pad is undeniable due to the season.

    The first ideas for new tours with you in 2025 are already in the works. Let us surprise you!

    The Festive 500 will take place again from 24 December up to and including 31 December. However, if you are looking for a real challenge, you should not set yourself the Festive of the well-known cycling clothing brand as your goal, but the Gnu-Festive 500 (https://www.gnuseite.de/gnu-festive-500/). Here you don’t get anything, but have to give something: all kilometres must be (demonstrably) ridden outside and you only get the patch in return for a donation to a good cause.

    A good opportunity to collect kilometres in the fresh air is offered to you on 28.12.24 by our gravel friends located in Worms at their Bridge 2 Bridge Unlimited between Worms and Mannheim: https://www.strava.com/clubs/528188/group_events/1288647.

    Merry Christmas to you all from Projekt Karl and a Happy New Year 2025!